Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Nick Dylann Andrews

A cabin crew interview is an interesting process that is a little unique. You can walk into an open call session that will interview numerous candidates during the day. You can also schedule an interview if you are invited to do so. Either way, the interview process is really nerve wracking for some people. You can expect different types of interviews depending on the airline.

Showing up to your cabin crew interview worried or nervous can work against you. You are applying for a job that will require you to be cool under stress. We've all seen the pandemonium that happens during the boarding and disembarking. This is a s! tressful time, especially for the passengers and new members of the cabin crew.

Some of these sessions are highly open to visual and oral presentations that show off your personable skills. It's normal to be nervous but you still need to show up ready to go. If you're hired you are going to be speaking to strangers, including irate individuals so being too meek, mild, or mellow is not going to sell well. Confidence combined with friendliness creates a stronger presentation.

The panel may very well ask you questions that are intended to frustrate you. For instance, they may ask you very similar questions repeatedly and then ask for additional details. The point is to make you repeat the answer without getting frustrated and hopefully, you will even find different ways to say the same thing.

Learn about the airline you are applying for. Most candidates have to listen to a basic overview or briefing about the airline and are then given a ! test of sorts that will reflect your knowledge of the airline.! Pay clo se attention and do your best to focus your mind in order to pick up on small details that are offered in the briefing.

You want to look, sound, and portray the part while still retaining your own personality and being your own person. That means that you have many strengths that would make you a great candidate. You need to tell the panel about those strengths, especially those that fall under the customer service realm.

Remember that you are there to present and sell them on you. The more that you can sell yourself the better the likelihood is that you will land the position. Describe your strengths and let the panel know that if they pass on you they are passing on one of the best candidates. No matter what your resume says, remember that they are looking for someone who can handle stress. If you're sweating the interview, how are you going to handle stress related to joining the cabin crew?

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Hilary J Dennis

Has there ever been a time in your life when you feel that no one wants or cares about you? Do you feel like you're always being victimized? Are you angry? Have trouble with relationships? There's a chance that there's just something missing and you just cannot figure out what it is. If this is true, then perhaps it is time to turn to Regression Therapy.

Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then regression therapy is definitely something that you can try out. It may help you to find the answers you've been seeking, and may help you live a better life. That makes it worth it, doesn't it?

If the Past L! ife Regression Therapy Center is to be believed, which it is, then Regression Therapy involves stepping into the dark to find the light once again. This is a type of hypnotic therapy where the individual is sent to deal with the past experiences of their life, though they are still fully conscious.

There are a number of different experiences that might be recalled during this process. It could be their childhood, their adolescence, and maybe even some time before that, such as time spent in their mother's womb. Memories like this could be extremely hard to recall otherwise.

Past Life regression therapy on the other hand is slightly different from all of these. What makes it so different is that rather than recalling this life, a person will recall one that they lived previously.

There are a lot of people that do not want to accept this. The reason is that the thought of having a previous life is just overwhelming to many. The problem w! ith denying it however, is that there is actually proof of pas! t lives. Some people might believe that this is a farce, but there is too much evidence out there to simply deny the whole thing.

It isn't uncommon for people to undergo this procedure and then talk of far off kingdoms or even wars. There might be those who talk of hunting in the prehistoric days. In some cases, their hunting partner is their wife in their current existence.

It's nothing short of amazing when a person recalls a memory that can be verified. There have been instances of memories that can be verified with historical records, which can serve as great proof.

Though it may be difficult to believe, there have actually been documented reports of children that have recalled their past lives in detail. Better yet, they've been able to meet people that they had been related to in their past life.

It might not appear to be anything that can help us, however understanding ourselves in the past will go a long way in teaching us ! to deal with the issues in our lives right now. Once we understand what we can do and who we are, life will seem so much easier!

There is a term among the Regression Therapy community which is known as 'Faulty Thoughts. Such thoughts are known to be negative, and they are believed to be thoughts which an individual has made in their previous life. By doing this they brought their negative thoughts and emotional issues into their current life, which isn't a good thing.

Naturally only one person can fix this. That one person is the actual person who came up with such thoughts. The faulty thoughts can be offset by trying to release that energy and by transforming the negative energy into positive. There are a number of ways in which this may be done, from repaying karma, to forgiving those who have wronged you.

The idea of forgiving someone is based on what is known as the golden rule, and can be found in scripture: 'Do unto others as you! would do unto yourself.' This means repaying karma by making ! things r ight and making things right.

If an individual is able to do this, then re-patterning their own energy can be done. It can be accomplished through putting to practice ideals such as tranquility, care, gentleness, and every other thing which could be thought positive.

Though it can get exhausting, Regression Therapy has successfully changed many lives. The majority of those who have gone through this have stated that their attitude and outlook on life has changed. They have also become much stronger as a result of it.

While it sounds very helpful, keep in mind that there will be a lot of work involved. It requires a commitment to change like no other! You will need to alter the way you think about your life, and the way that it will unfold.

It's definitely an interesting topic. If you are feeling depressed, or victimized, or just plain curious, then you should take a look at it. There is no doubt that you will be able to fig! ure out who you were once, and you'll be able to deal with issues that are happening in your life right now.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Trevor Johnson

If you want to learn how to get rid of procrastination today then this article will help. Procrastination has been known to cause a large number of problems. People put off doing things that are very important when they procrastinate. Procrastination distracts us from doi! ng the jobs that need doing and so we find reasons to do other jobs rather than the one we have been putting off. The good news is that an individual holds the power to beat procrastination and with work it can be overcome.

It is important to get to the root of the problem and find out what is causing you to procrastination. If it is that you dislike doing something then the sooner you do it the better. For example, a person might hate doing their housework, but the more they put it off the worse their housework gets to the point that they feel that they cannot cope with the mess and have no power to overcome it.

The sooner procrastination is overcome the better chances of the problem not spiralling out of control. Once of the best ways of dealing with procrastination is making sure you don't have any distractions. If it means either putting the phone off the hook or ignoring it for a while then all very well because at least it means you are not p! rocrastinating. Also you might want to tell people not to dist! urb you and not answer the door if someone rings.

Try to tackle your belief systems and the way you have been thinking. Procrastinators get into bad habits or thought patterns and need to change them before they can change their behaviour. Cognitive behaviour therapists believe that by changing thought processes then actions can be changed.

It is difficult to break habits especially ones that have been there for a long time. Try to cope with one task at a time and be pleased with what you have achieved. Procrastination in itself is a habit that needs to be broken. However it is going to take work on your behalf to achieve success.

Take each day as it comes and if you are making changes then you are getting nearer to where you want to be. Try not to rush, but do things gently and slowly. As long as you are making the changes then you are progressing. If procrastination has been a part of your life for a long time then it is going to take time to! change things, but you can do it with time.

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By Jamie Brown

This day in age, people are turning to religion in droves. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism has imbedded it's ideology in the hearts and minds of millions globally. While all these religions deserve respect and tolerance, few in the west have a grasp on the complicated concept of Buddhism.

The end all and be all of online encyclopedias, Wikipedia grabs the first slot on a Google search for the term Buddhism and the bre! akdown reads like this: "Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha (Pali/Sanskrit "the awakened one"). The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.

He is recognized by adherents as an awakened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end suffering, achieve nirvana, and escape what is seen as a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Buddhism is traditionally conceived as a path of liberation attained through insight into the ultimate nature of reality. Two major branches of Buddhism are recognized: Theravada ("The School of the Elders") and Mahayana ("The Great Vehicle"). Theravada, the oldest surviving branch, has a widespread following in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana is found throughout East Asia and includes the tradition! s of Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Shin! gon, Ten dai and Shinnyo-en. In some classifications, a third branch, Vajrayana, is recognized, although many see this as an offshoot of the Mahayana. While Buddhism remains most popular within Asia, both branches are now found throughout the world.

Various sources put the number of Buddhists in the world at between 230 million and 500 million." After living abroad in Asia for several years I have found that Buddhist cultures are more tolerant because the focus is on the 'self' and the meditation on the calming of the mind, concentrating on controlled breathing and the idea that meditation to bring one closer to peace is central to discovering one's self.

If you have the opportunity to investigate the practice of Buddhism, I would highly recommend it. I'm not saying to take up the path and convert to a religion but the calming affect that is central to this religions concept will bring a peaceful serenity to your life that you may find useful. All in all res! pect and tolerance for all religious perspectives is something that people are beginning to make a conscious effort to practice and understanding ideas from various religions can teach us an appreciation that can bring us all closer together.

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"Erase Bad Debt !"

"Remove Negative Items From Your Credit Report"

You've probably seen these headlines and others just like it promising to clean up or "fix" bad credit. For someone who suffers from a bad or poor credit rating, these headlines are certainly an app! ealing offer.

Imagine finally being able to buy that new car, get debt collectors off your back, and enjoy a new found freedom from your past debts.

Sound to good to be true ? It probably is. Once you fall prey to the credit repair offer and pay the hefty fees involved to clean up your record, here's what happens:

1) The credit repair scam artist contacts the credit bureaus and reports that the negative information in your file is false.

2) The credit bureau removes this negative information from your report while they investigate the claim.

3) The scam artist will then show you the cleaned up version of your credit report and "ta-da" your credit history has been fixed !

But here's what the scammer doesn't tell or show you. After the credit bureau completes their investigation the negative information is placed back on your credit report.

Negative but accurate information cannot be removed from your credit pr! ofile. Only incorrect information can be removed.

Accu! rate inf ormation remains on your credit file for a period of 7 years from the time it is reported to the credit agencies; a bankruptcy appears for a 10 year period.

Many legitimate companies exist that can help you with your debt problems. But how do you spot a scam offer ? Easy, they'll ask you for their fees up front. By law, credit repair agencies cannot ask for payment until they've provided the service they promised.

Additionally many states require that a credit repair service, whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit, must provide you with a detailed written contract, an explanation of your legal rights, and the opportunity to cancel any signed contract within 3 days.

Also, be aware that a "credit repair offer" could be an attempt to steal your identity by getting you to provide personal information such as a Social Security number, bank account and credit card account numbers.

Always make sure you know who you are dealing with b! efore accepting any offer to help you repair your credit. Those who don't can have their credit ruined further and create more debt problems.

© 2004,
Author: James H. Dimmitt.
James is editor of "TO YOUR CREDIT", a weekly free newsletter. Subscribe to the newsletter by visiting', 127, 'Credit Repair Scams, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Credit Repair Scams plus articles and information on Credit'

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